backdrop Bruce Lee and I
Poster Bruce Lee and I

원래 제목


Status: 출시된

실행 시간:

102 분



IMDB ID tt0072745

TMDB ID 153358

원어 zh

생산 국가


영화 Bruce Lee and I (원래 제목 李小龍與我) 의 주요 역할을 맡고 있습니다. Danny Lee Sau-Yin (Bruce Lee), Yuen Cheung-Yan (Thug attacking Betty in bar), Chin Ti (Movie Producer), Sze-Ma Wah-Lung (), Chan Lau (Thug) 영화 개봉일은 09.01.1976. 이 영화는 제작사가 Shaw Brothers, B. & B. Film Co. . 생산 국가: Hong Kong 영화 장르: 영화 산업 Action

영화에 출연한 배우들

Danny Lee Sau-Yin

Danny Lee Sau-Yin

Danny Lee Sau-Yin

  • 1952-08-06

Danny Lee Sau-Yin is a Hong Kong actor, film producer, screenwriter, director, action director and presenter. He is best known for frequently portraying Hong Kong police officers in films such as Law With Two Phases (1984), The Killer (1989) and The Untold Story (1993). He won the award for Best Le

Yuen Cheung-Yan

Yuen Cheung-Yan

Yuen Cheung-Yan

  • 1957-01-01

Yuen Cheung-yan (Chinese 袁祥仁) is an actor, director, stuntman, and fight choreographer who has worked for many years in the Hong Kong film industry. During the 1970s and early 1980s, he worked with his elder brother, Yuen Woo-ping, and other members of the Yuen family on several films, some of

Chin Ti

Chin Ti

Chin Ti

Sze-Ma Wah-Lung

Sze-Ma Wah-Lung

Sze-Ma Wah-Lung

  • 1921-08-02

Chan Lau

Chan Lau

Chan Lau

Danny Chow Yun-Kin

Danny Chow Yun-Kin

Danny Chow Yun-Kin

Was a member of Jackie Chans Stuntmen Association.

Yuen Shun-Yi

Yuen Shun-Yi

Yuen Shun-Yi

  • 1953-06-12

Sunny Yuen Shun-yi (Chinese 袁信義), also credited as Shun-yee Yuen, is a Hong Kong film actor, stuntman and action coordinator.

Chin Yuet-Sang

Chin Yuet-Sang

Chin Yuet-Sang

Corey Yuen Kwai

Corey Yuen Kwai

Corey Yuen Kwai

  • 1951-12-16

Corey Yuen Kwai ( born 1951) was a Hong Kong actor, filmmaker and producer. He was a member of the Peking Opera Schools and one of the Seven Little Fortunes.

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