
Bývalý bankovní úředník Phil se po ničivé katastrofě stává posledním chlapem na planetě. Zcela opuštěn bloudí po Americe a užívá si života v luxusních domech. Jen kdyby ještě narazil na nějakou ženu.

Herci a herečky z filmu Poslední chlap na Zemi Podívejte se na všechny herce


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Poslední chlap na Zemi recenze

Contains spoilers of the first season. The series starts off really well by introducing the character, his psychological state, and the world he is now in. With too much free time, no real ambition and left to his own devices, time is spent running out of ideas to kill his boredom. All of that changes when he meets the first woman that survived whatever happened. Then he meets another and suddenly another man pops up, and new people keep coming. Thats where I had to stop watching. The incessant drama and insecurity of the main character adding to the complete lunacy of all the others just destroys the series. The writers ran out of ideas and practically turned this into a reality show. All the potential was wasted and hopefully the show will be remade further down the line.


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