
Snad každý někdy přemýšlel o tom, co by udělal, kdyby mohl změnit historii. Pro středoškolského učitele Jakea Eppinga se ze smyšlenek stane skutečnost. Vydá se do minulosti, konkrétně do roku 1963, aby zabránil atentátu na prezidenta Johna F. Kennedyho, ke kterému došlo 22. listopadu téhož roku. Jakkoliv se ale Jake snaží odhalit Kennedyho vraha, narazí na minulost, která se za žádnou cenu nechce měnit. Seriál vychází z románu Stephena Kinga.

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11.22.63 recenze

I sort of cringe when mainstream media says that Oswald acted alone. You know, because people are going to believe the Warren Commission then. And we all know what a steaming pile that was. We also all know who killed JFK...Allen Dulles. So, this hurt when I read it and it hurt even more when I watched it on the Hulu machine But I am also a King fan and he likes his build ups and those are always fun. I am disappointed it wasnt longer, I am disappointed some early chapters were cut entirely...but it was still a pleasure to watch. Franco did a great job in a serious role and got to follow him through Kings wonderful twisting plot in a period that felt an lot like the era Ive only ever studied. A disappointment is that it lacked a lot of the nostalgia for the bygone era that King filled the book with and made you feel, at times, that your father was telling the story to you and doing so without editing out the filth the times. You could see it, but you couldnt feel the fatherly love embedded in the book. All you got was the story itself. But, that story was entertaining and fun to watch.


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