
Ahoj, Wisconsine! Píše se rok 1995 a Leia Formanová, dcera Erica a Donny, je na letní návštěvě u prarodičů, kde se pod bedlivým dohledem Kitty a přísným pohledem Reda sbližuje s novou generací dětí z Point Place. Sex, drogy a rock'n'roll nikdy neumírají, jen se převlékají.

Herci a herečky z filmu Zlatá devadesátá Podívejte se na všechny herce


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Im Gen-X which I assume is that they are trying to depict here. And back then if you labeled people and treated them differently because of what they were, you were the a**hole because you were judging people on what they were not WHO they were. You even tried to avoid wearing labels. You had bands that made a point to wear t-shirts rejecting corporate magazines on the cover of the corporate magazines. You mocked people who were politically correct, and Hollywood made movies mocking political correctness. Comedians made fun of it. It was rejected Everyone brought Jagged Little Pill and only the women admitted to buying it. yeah... the 90s were completely different than the 2020s, so much so that the people that this would be made for would be insulted by the very essence of that culture. Which is why the kids, the jokes, the humor all seems to fit well with a 2020s Nickelodeon kids show. It rejects the 90s culture so much it doesnt even work as nostalgia. It even rejects That 70s Shows beloved tropes and doesnt work as nostalgia for the show its rebooting. Might as well just put on Nickelodeon.


Filmová klíčová slova
high school sitcom 1990s period sitcom
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