
Antologický seriál je plný setkání s mořskými pannami, padlými anděli a dalšími nadpřirozenými bytostmi. Sleduje zlomené lidi, kteří páchají zoufalé činy ve snaze napravit si vlastní životy. Ve výsledku ukazují, že mezi člověkem a příšerou je jen velmi tenká hranice.

Herci a herečky z filmu Monsterland Podívejte se na všechny herce


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Monsterland recenze

You are promised fallen angels and werewolves and monsters all across America... thats not what you get. You dont get that at all, only in the vaguest sense of the word do you get it. What you get is.... this dude is a werewolf, now lets tell the woke story of this oppressed people, and these woke talking points and LGBTAQ and white people are evil, and straight people are evil, and abortion is good, and religion is evil, and Trump is evil, and republicans are evil, and the right is evil, and traditional liberals are evil, and free speech is evil, and Islam is good, but guns are evil, and the nuclear family is evil, and vote Biden, and everyone is evil who isnt woke, except the people that are that didnt get the memo on the next sudden 180 degree shift. But no fallen angels, werewolves, or monsters. However, if you love lectures, this is great!


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