
Hanna je mladá žena, kterou její otec vychoval v divočině s cílem ji naučit přežít v jakékoliv situaci a za každou cenu. Když se o ni začnou zajímat vládní agenti, je na čase své schopnosti využít na maximum. Oni prostě jen zatím netuší, jak velkou udělali chybu...

Herci a herečky z filmu Hanna Podívejte se na všechny herce


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Hanna recenze

Hanna is a adaptation of the rather excellent film of the same name from 2011. The choice of actors, sets and the general vibe of the series closely and in my view wisely, mirrors the film. That said, as might be expected the story diverges but its general direction is unconvincing. Why, for example, would an isolationist ex CIA operative rely on the very organisation he betrayed arrange his escape and that of Hanna? Especially given the emphasis he places on independence and a trust no one mentality? Not to mention his extensive contacts. Its these flaws the pull this series down to a degree which is a shame as it captures the discordant, unsettling atmosphere of the original movie nicely. Not a bad watch but not in the same class as the film. 6/10 from me.


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