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Herci a herečky z filmu The Outer Limits Podívejte se na všechny herce


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The Outer Limits recenze

It was kind of all over the place wasnt it? It wasnt the best show out there, but it had its moments and when those moments came it was far better than the X-Files. Unlike the Twilight Zone revivals that lost the moralistic bent, the 90s revival sort of brought it back in full swing and made it feel more like a Twilight Zone revival than an Outer Limits Revival, but lets be honest, the Outer Limits was kind of just a continuation under a different name with more of a lean towards science fiction. It also does a good job of staying within the genre of science fiction which is something that you scarcely see in shows post Alien when it started to meld into horror as well. So what you get is less X-Files and more pure Sci-Fi, which, by the 90s was refreshing. However the quality of the story telling was hit or miss. You can compare it to Tales From the Crypt, another Anthology from about the same time, or the Hitch Hiker, which were both solid for nearly every episode. The 90s revival of the Outer Limits wasnt as solid. You had some episodes that would blow your hair back, some that would entertain and nothing else, and those were about equal to the ones that just kind of fell flat. But, they didnt want to mix genres, they wanted to keep it more pure sci-fi, so its hard to fault them for having so many misses in an Anthology series that tried so hard to stay true to the genre.


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