
Po návratu na Zemi si plukovník Jack O'Neill užívá klidu, ale jen do doby, kdy je opět povolán do služby. Generál Hammond, který nahradil generála Westa, mu oznámí, že na Zemi pronikla osoba, jejíž oči žhnuly. O'Neill se tedy vydává zpět na Abydos, kde zjišťuje, že Brána zakopána nebyla a že Daniel objevil místnost, která ukazuje na síť Hvězdných bran po celém vesmíru. Jack spolu s Danielem se vrací na Zemi a vše oznámí Hammondovi. Ten ihned vytváří několik týmů, zvaných SG týmy, do čela SG-1 postaví plukovníka Jacka O'Neilla. Cestování vesmírem může začít.

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Stargate SG-1 recenze

Well, sort of honest. I mean, I love MacGyver just like everyone else... well, I love the original MacGyver just like everyone else. Sort of hate the remade political MacGyver. And, i loved MacGyver in a Science Fiction show too. I mean, sure, he never defused a bomb with hockey tickets, but this was still a great show. And it was decent Science Fiction, as in it took a current social, political, economic, philosophical issue and it examined it through the veil of another world, and then it offered commentary on that examination without really taking a side... and it did it in a way that was entertaining and accessible to BOTH sides of whatever issue it was. All while staring MacGyver... who didnt really act like MacGyver and offered next to nothing in the way of voice over narration. But then, as one reviewer here so aptly noted it kept going. I mean, SG1 ran for 10 YEARS, which is about 6 years longer than most of the best science fiction shows... even though it was sort of like Star Trek with different tech and in a different era. After a while it got a bit long. It kept the same winning format, but for science fiction, it just sort of stayed a bit long.


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