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Ozzy & Drix




30 Minuten

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30 Minuten / Folge

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Ozzy & Drix, also known as The Fantastic Voyage Adventures of Osmosis Jones & Drixenol and Osmosis Jones The Animated Series, is an American animated television series based on the Warner Bros. film Osmosis Jones and it was produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It takes place inside the body of teenager Hector Cruz. The series premiered on September 14, 2002 on the Kids WB; the final episode aired July 5, 2004. Unlike the original movie it spun off from, Ozzy & Drix was entirely animated and contained no live action. It stars Phil LaMarr as the replacement for Chris Rock as Osmosis Jones, and Jeff Bennett as the replacement for David Hyde Pierce as Drix. As of July 2011, episodes of the series are still available via the Kids WB website. The show also aired on Teletoon in Canada. The show is also slightly less violent than the movie, having the characters treated like people rather than simply cells, and having none of them killed off, unlike the movie where Thrax managed to kill off several cells. There are also new characters that replace the ones from the original movie such as Maria Amino replacing Leah Estrogen, Mayor Spryman replacing Mayor Phlegmming, Sylvian Fischer replacing Tom Colonic, Chief Gluteus replacing The Chief of Police, The Mole replacing Chill the Flu Shot and Scarlet Fever replacing Thrax.

Sehen Sie sich die TV-Serie an Ozzy & Drix

Ozzy & Drix - Magyar

Magyar - Hungarian

Ozzy & Drix

Ez az akciókkal sűrített fél óra egy fehérvértest rendőr, Osmosis "Ozzy" Jones kalandjait kíséri figyelemmel: védi új otthona, a 13 éves Hector Cruz testének egészségét és boldogságát. Ozzy, a kecskeszakállas, egocentrikus vértest és Drix, a lelkiismeretes kapszula nátha ellen, baktérium-ellenes küldetést teljesítenek, hogy fenékbe rúgják a károkozó kórokozókat!

- Italiano

Italiano - Italian

All'inizio della serie, apparentemente un anno dopo gli eventi del film, nel corpo di Frank DeTorre, il globulo bianco Osmosis "Ozzy" Jones e la pillola antiinfiammatoria Drixenol "Drix" inseguono un batterio della scarlattina. Durante l'inseguimento, i tre vengono risucchiati da una zanzara dal corpo di Frank e trasportati in quello di un ragazzo, chiamato Hector Cruz. Dopo aver sconfitto il virus e essersi sistemati nella loro nuova casa, Ozzy e Drix vengono assunti come investigatori privati, promettendo di proteggere Hector e di aiutarlo anche attraverso le prove dell'adolescenza lungo la strada.

Ozzy & Drix - Português

Português - Portuguese

Ozzy & Drix

Ozzy & Drix é uma série de desenho animado estadunidense que foi criada pelos irmãos Farrelly. A série foi baseada no filme da Warner Bros. Osmosis Jones de 2001. Foi exibida no Cartoon Network entre 2002 e 2004 (que teve seu fim em 5 de julho do mesmo ano). A série conta a história sobre o que acontece dentro do corpo de um adolescente chamado Hector Cruz, onde um glóbulo branco chamado Ozzy Jones e um remédio, Drix, vivem combatendo diversos casos de vírus e bactérias que acabam infectando o corpo de Hector. Essa mudança de corpo ocorre um ano depois de Ozzy e Drix ter salvo Frank de morrer em Osmosis Jones , Ozzy e Drix perseguem uma escarlatina (bactéria), durante a perseguição, Ozzy, Drix e o germe são 'sugados' de Frank por um mosquito e chegam a um adolescente chamado Hector Cruz. A partir daí juram proteger o bem-estar de Hector de qualquer ameaça viral.

Оззи и Дрикс - Pусский

Pусский - Russian

Оззи и Дрикс

Оззи и Дрикс – это напарники-полицейские, Оззи – лейкоцит, а Дрикс – пилюля! А город Гектор, где они служат – это не что иное как тело 13-летнего школьника Гектора Круза. Оззи и Дрикс и днём, и ночью патрулируют организм Гектора от макушки до пяток и следят, чтобы в тело мальчика не проникли болезнетворные микробы, аллергены, бактерии и вирусы. ... Оззи и Дрикс – это напарники-полицейские, Оззи – лейкоцит, а Дрикс – пилюля! А город Гектор, где они служат – это не что иное как тело 13-летнего школьника Гектора Круза. Оззи и Дрикс и днём, и ночью патрулируют организм Гектора от макушки до пяток и следят, чтобы в тело мальчика не проникли болезнетворные микробы, аллергены, бактерии и вирусы.

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