
Im September 1942 versenkt ein deutsche U-Boot den britischen Truppentransporter Laconia. Früher fungierte die Laconia als Luxus-Passagierdampfer; jetzt ist sie ein Kriegsschiff und befördert Zivilisten, verwundete Soldaten, Kinder und Kriegsgefangene. U-Boot-Kapitän Hartenstein will die Überlebenden retten, doch trotz Lichtzeichen wird das Schiff von einem amerikanischen Bomber angegriffen. Hartenstein jedoch gibt nicht auf und bewahrt schließlich über eintausend Menschen vor dem sicheren Tod.

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Laconia Bewertungen

I didn’t find this two-part series to be compelling viewing, and in fact it barely held my attention enough to allow me to finish watching it. I was not offended by the layered character study presented here of a German U-Boat captain who is allowed a thoughtful and human response to learning of the number of civilians on the ship he has sunk, including women and children. It does seemed out of balance with the nearly cameo appearance of the American pilots who ignore the Red Cross displayed and attack the sub. They have no qualms, no troubling doubts. I also was less than impressed with how the dialogue for the personal stories lapsed frequently into almost melodramatic cliches. It comes off to me as them trying to have it both ways, serving up both historical details and soap opera-ish interactions. The two strands of plot make for awkward dance partners.

Peter McGinn

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