Ein alberner, leichtgläubiger Kapitän soll das Steuer eines Luxusdampfers übernehmen und wird zum perfekten Sündenbock für die illegalen Machenschaften eines Schmugglerrings.
**Surprisingly solid adult humor animation** A lot of people just see this as just yet another adult humor animation in the same vein of so many others that came before. Even those that find this show unique and say it stands out, cant quite explain what it is that makes it stand out. Of course I cant answer for other people, but I tell why it stood out to me. This isnt just another show in the vein of Rick and Morty or Bobs Burgers etc, though on the surface it looks like that. But here the humor isnt random and the show doesnt exist for the jokes, rather the humor serves the show and the plot. And its really a satire about our current society and the humor serves as a sort of shield that allows them to address societal issues that a more serious life action show couldnt.
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