Drama anthology championing new film-making talent that serves up a raw slice of real life in modern Britain.
Schauspieler und Schauspielerinnen aus dem Film
Juliet Aubrey
Juliet Aubrey
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJuliet Aubrey (born 17 December 1966) is an English actress of theatre, film, and television. She won the 1995 BAFTA TV Award for Best Actress for playing Dorothea in the BBC serial Middlemarch (1994). She is also known for her role as Helen Cutter in the ITV ser
Paul is a long established and much respected British actor and voiceover artist.Born in Denby Dale, West Riding of Yorkshire, on 25th November 1944 he grew up beside a dairy farm. His father, Harold, was involved with local amateur dramatic productions, as were the rest of his family. He went to Pe
Steven Roberts, better known as Steve Speirs, is a Welsh actor.Since graduating from university, Speirs has played Sloan in Eragon, Andy Fellows in Making Waves and the pathetic loser Dullard alongside Ricky Gervais in Extras, as well as having small parts in Star Wars Episode I The Phan
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