
Jeffrey Dahmer (Evan Peters) gelang es dank seines unauffälligen Auftretens, über Jahre hinweg sein Treiben als bestialischer Serienkiller aufrechtzuerhalten – auch wenn er immer wieder mit der Polizei und gar dem FBI in Konflikt kam, so blieb sein bestialisches Treiben verborgen. Zwischen 1978 und 1991 tötete er in Milwaukee mindestens 16 junge Männer, bevor ihm das Handwerk gelegt werden konnte.

Schauspieler und Schauspielerinnen aus dem Film Dahmer - Monster: Die Geschichte von Jeffrey Dahmer Alle Schauspieler anzeigen


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Dahmer - Monster: Die Geschichte von Jeffrey Dahmer Bewertungen

This is a well executed series about Jeffrey Dahmer - famous serial killer and a cannibal. Evan Peters (actor playing Dahmer) does a terrific job, which speaks about his talent and professionalism. He definitely deserves Oscar for his acting. Also, I watched the documentary of Jeffrey Dahmer after this and I was surprised how well creators of this TV show included even small details from real events. Overall, its a must-watch series if youre interested into serial killers movies and series.


An amazing performance from Evan Peters brings some insight into the monster that was Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer’s crimes were disgusting and awful and what the families went through ( and I am sure still do) was nothing short of hell. The families of the victims are well represented, so much so that I was angry in a number of episodes at how the authorities treated them. What this series does is show various perspectives of the horrific killings and the consequences on not only Darhmer but others affected by the events.  I knew of Dahmer before this series but now I feel I know more about the impact his actions had on others and the failings of the police and authorities during his killing spree.


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