
Die junge Livia entwickelt sich vom naiven Mädchen zur einflussreichsten und mächtigsten Herrscherin des antiken Rom. Nach der Ermordung Julius Caesars setzen Livia und ihre Gefolgschaft alle Mittel ein, um in einer brutalen Gesellschaft zu überleben – bis hin zu Verrat und Mord.

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Domina Bewertungen

Modern feminist revisionism, grafted onto a historical figure. For this reviewer, thats really at the core of Domina. Yes, women in ancient Roman society could have power but it was always shaped and controlled, by their male partner, associates or wider family. This series side steps this inconvenient reality, to a decent degree. Instead, crafting a tale around a fictional character, who would not have thrived and survived in the classical world. As per usual too, theres the predictable race swapping, that makes no sense, further undermining any sense of authenticity, this series could have had. On the upside the story is serviceable, as is the acting. Sets and CGI, are well done. In summary, an historical fiction that only really functions as basic modern entertainment.


roman empire
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