
Die Welt eines Einzelkinds wird komplett auf den Kopf gestellt, als herauskommt, dass ihr Vater noch unzählige andere Kinder hat. Während seiner Karriere als Spezialist für Fruchtbarkeitsforschung hat er insgeheim sein eigenes Erbgut bei den klinischen Tests verwendet und dadurch Dutzende Kinder gezeugt. Sie trifft nun auf zwei ihrer Halbschwestern ...

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Almost Family Bewertungen

An interesting premise to make a show out of some real occurrences of fertility doctors using their own material instead of donated matter. The fallout and the effect is has on family members and the fathered people would make a great show. Unfortunately, that isnt what this show does. The main characters seem to be bumbling from one issue to the next and making such peculiar life choices, that one would wonder how they managed to survive and become fully functional adults. The forced drama and insistence on babies are the greatest and your life is worthless if you dont have a kid just become too central after a while. The only thing missing would be someone preaching about god to make this virtue-signaling show complete. After 5 episodes it was finally too much and it felt more like I was wasting my time instead of enjoying the show.


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