Christian Ganieres comedic spirit has entertained his family and friends since he was just a baby. His lively personality and winning smile have been featured in commercials such as Subaru Jr. Driver, Television shows such as Days of Our Lives and About a Boy and films like The Way We Werent. When Christian isnt acting for the camera, he enjoys the XBOX, swimming, and playing legos with his three older sisters who are also actors. Angelina Ganiere, Brianna Ganiere and Brittany Ganiere. His father is Producer James Ganiere and his mother is Award winning Romance Author Rebekah R. Ganiere.
Mike Reynolds
Ταινία 2015
Ταινία 2018
First Grade Boy
Ταινία 2019
TJ Marshall
Ταινία 2020
Tristan Elmer
Tv 2018
Tv 2016
Mikey Capilano
Tv 2005
Debby's Kid #2
Tv 2014
Gus Carter
Tv 2005