Mikio Narita (成田三樹夫, Narita Mikio, 31 January 1935 – 9 April 1990) was a Japanese actor. He was most famous for playing villains.[1] He often worked with Kinji Fukasaku.Narita graduated from Haiyuza Theatre Company acting school and joined Daiei Film. His career as a screen actor started in 1963.[2] His film debut was the 1963 film Kōkō Sannensei.[3] He gradually won fame by playing the role of the villains.[3] In 1971, Narita left Daiei and became a freelance actor.[3] AS a freelance actor he appeared in many yakuza films produced by Toei film company.[3] In Japan he is best known for his role in Tantei Monogatari(TV series). He is also well known for his part in Battles Without Honor and Humanity series.[4] He also portrayed the evil character in Mito Kōmon (3rd season).He died of Linitis plastica on 9 April 1990.[3] His final film role was in the 1990 film Jipangu.[3]

Κινηματογράφος μη διαθέσιμο από Mikio Narita

Tokyo Bordello

Ταινία 1987

Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences

Ταινία 1972

Blood Vendetta

Eikichi Mine

Ταινία 1971

Karate Bullfighter


Ταινία 1975

Female Prisoner Scorpion: Beast Stable

Detective Kondo

Ταινία 1973

Japanese Godfather: Ambition

Seiji Kataoka

Ταινία 1977

Hunter in the Dark


Ταινία 1979

Roaring Fire


Ταινία 1981

The Hoodlum Soldier Deserts Again

Ταινία 1966

Hanzo the Razor: Who's Got the Gold?

Bansaku Tonami

Ταινία 1974


Ταινία 1965

Ninja Gangsters 2: The Lullaby of Hell

Ταινία 1982

Back Stairways

Ταινία 1965

Seisaku's Wife

Chief Military Police

Ταινία 1965

Utamaro's World

Juzaburo Tsutaya

Ταινία 1977

Zatoichi and the Chess Expert

Tadasu Jumonji

Ταινία 1965

Shadow Hunters 2: Echo of Destiny


Ταινία 1972

Shadow Hunters


Ταινία 1972

Rebellion Reward

Takami Sakurai

Ταινία 1973

A Certain Killer


Ταινία 1967

Easy Money

Ταινία 1970

Woman Boss

Ταινία 1970

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records

Ταινία 1982


Bunzo Tanigawa

Ταινία 1985


Ταινία 1980

The Hidden Trail of the Beasts


Ταινία 1981

Shadow Warriors: Hattori Hanzo

Matsudaira Izu Mamoru Nobutsuna

Ταινία 1980

Bakayaro! I'm Plenty Mad

Tadashi Okawa (Episode 3)

Ταινία 1988

Cops vs. Thugs

Katsumi Kawade

Ταινία 1975

Young Boss


Ταινία 1965

The Rivals

Ταινία 1979

The Legend of Zipang


Ταινία 1990

Homeless Dog

Ταινία 1964

Quick-Draw Dog

Ταινία 1967

Stray Dog

Ταινία 1966

Legend of the Eight Samurai

Ohta Sukemasa

Ταινία 1983

Black Panther Bitch M


Ταινία 1974

Onimasa: A Japanese Godfather

Ταινία 1982

The Sea and Poison


Ταινία 1986

Karate Bear Fighter


Ταινία 1975

A Chaos of Flowers

Harufusa Hatano

Ταινία 1988

Dead Angle

Ταινία 1979

The Notorious Bored Samurai 7

Ταινία 1992

The Notorious Bored Samurai 3

Makino Bizen no Kami

Ταινία 1989

Water Moon

Ταινία 1989

Gateway to Glory

Ταινία 1969

No More God, No More Love

Ταινία 1985

Father Avenger


Ταινία 1987


Ταινία 1984

Battles Without Honor and Humanity

Ταινία 1973

Tokyo Ninja Force

Ταινία 1966


Ταινία 1965


Ταινία 1965

Battles Without Honor and Humanity: Proxy War

Hiroshi Matsunaga

Ταινία 1973

The Dropout

Ταινία 1982

The Freezing Point


Ταινία 1966

Yakuza Ladies 3

Ryukichi Terada

Ταινία 1989

The Sister Gamblers

Ταινία 1967

The Woman Dicer

Ταινία 1968

Two Enemy Women Gamblers

Ταινία 1969

Champion Woman Gambler

Ταινία 1968

The Resurrection of the Golden Wolf


Ταινία 1979

Yakuza Graveyard


Ταινία 1976

Graveyard of Honor

Noboru Kajiki

Ταινία 1975

Fireflies in the North


Ταινία 1984

The Last True Yakuza

Nobuo Yamatatsu

Ταινία 1985

Yakuza of the Present


Ταινία 1973

The Lady in a Black Dress


Ταινία 1987

Violent Fraternity

Ταινία 1974

Those Swell Yakuza

Ταινία 1988

Sure Death 4

Lord Sakai

Ταινία 1987

New Battles Without Honor and Humanity 2: Head of the Boss

Shigehiko Aihara

Ταινία 1975

New Battles Without Honor and Humanity 3: Last Days of the Boss

Koji Matsuoka

Ταινία 1976

The Fall of Ako Castle


Ταινία 1978

Samurai Reincarnation

Izumori Matsudaira

Ταινία 1981

The Fixer

Ταινία 1979

High School Juniors (Part II)

Ταινία 1964

The Pit of Death

Haruo Kuramoto

Ταινία 1968

Down with The Big Boss

Ταινία 1979

Bandits vs. Samurai Squadron


Ταινία 1978

The Geisha

Ταινία 1983

Hoodlum Soldier

Ταινία 1965

The Hoodlum Priest

Ταινία 1967

The Shogun Assassins

Goto Matabei

Ταινία 1979

Be-Bop High School 2


Ταινία 1986

The Killer's Killer

Ταινία 1970

Sleepy Eyes of Death 9: Trail of Traps

Ukon Saegusa

Ταινία 1967

Yakuza Ladies

Akimasa Koiso

Ταινία 1986

Desperate Pursuit

Head of Police

Ταινία 1986

The Three Ginza Rascals

Ταινία 1976

Step on the Gas!

Ταινία 1970

Operation Plazma in Osaka

Ταινία 1976

Aftermath of Battles Without Honor and Humanity

Takeshi Tsugawa

Ταινία 1979

Sleepy Eyes of Death 13: The Full Moon Swordsman

Ταινία 1969

The Dedicated Gunman

Sadao Kawamatsu

Ταινία 1965

The First Catch

Ταινία 1980

Break Out


Ταινία 1988

Ninja Hunt

Ταινία 1982

The Enforcer

Ταινία 1964

Tarao Bannai

Goro Seo

Ταινία 1978

The Murder Corps

Ταινία 1975

The Story of a Geisha

Ταινία 1977

Sure Death! 3

Ταινία 1986

Shinjuku's Number One Drunk-Killer Tetsu

Eisaku Daimon

Ταινία 1977

Message from Space

Rockseia XII

Ταινία 1978

Stay Gold

Ταινία 1988

Japan's Don

Seiji Kataoka

Ταινία 1977

Hoodlum Soldier's Flight to Freedom

Ταινία 1966

Ooku: Empress of the Tokugawa

Ταινία 1988

The Viper Brothers: Up on 30 Charges

Ταινία 1974

Tokugawa Ichizoku no Houkai

Ταινία 1980

Lonely Hitman

Ταινία 1989

The Woman Gambler's Trump Card

Ταινία 1969

Woman Gambling Expert: Stakes of a Game of Chance

Ταινία 1970

The Woman Killer

Ταινία 1969

You and I

Ταινία 1966

A Drop of Grease

Ταινία 1966

Prison Release Loyalty Offering

Ταινία 1966

Territory of the Night

Ταινία 1967

Never Give Up

Nakado Tasuke

Ταινία 1978

Theater Of Life

Ταινία 1983

Τηλεοπτική σειρά μη διαθέσιμο από Mikio Narita

Detective Story


Tv 1979