The Golden Child has in the main roles on Eddie Murphy (Chandler Jarrell), Charles Dance (Sardo Numspa), Victor Wong (The Old Man), James Hong (Doctor Hong) This movie it is produced by Eddie Murphy Productions, Feldman/Meeker Productions, Paramount Pictures . Filmed in the following locations: Nepal . Production countries: United States of America Movie Genre: Movies Action, Movies Adventure, Movies Comedy, Movies Fantasy, Movies Mystery
After a Tibetan boy, the mystical Golden Child, is kidnapped by the evil Sardo Numspa, humankind's fate hangs in the balance. On the other side of the world in Los Angeles, the priestess Kee Nang seeks the Chosen One, who will save the boy from death. When Nang sees social worker Chandler Jarrell on television discussing his ability to find missing children, she solicits his expertise, despite his skepticism over being "chosen."
Eddie Murphy is the chosen one.
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