Beverly Hills Cop III has in the main roles on Eddie Murphy (Axel Foley), Judge Reinhold (Billy Rosewood), Hector Elizondo (Jon Flint), John Saxon (Orrin Sanderson) This movie it is produced by Eddie Murphy Productions, Mace Neufeld Productions, Robert Rehme Productions . Filmed in the following locations: Paramount's Great America Amusement Park, Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, California, USA . Production countries: United States of America Movie Genre: Movies Action, Movies Comedy, Movies Crime
When his boss is killed, Detroit cop Axel Foley finds evidence that the murderer had ties to a California amusement park called Wonder World. Returning to sunny Beverly Hills once more, Foley reunites with Detective Billy Rosewood to solve the case. Along with Billy's new partner, Detective Jon Flint, they discover that Wonder World is being used as a front for a massive counterfeiting ring.
In for the ride of his life.
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