The movie Blind Adventure (Original title Blind Adventure) has in the main roles on Robert Armstrong (Richard Bruce), Ralph Bellamy (Jim Steele), Roland Young (Holmes), John Miljan (Regan), Henry Stephenson (Major Thorne), Beryl Mercer (Elsie), Charles Irwin (Bill, a thug), Forrester Harvey (Coffee Wagon Proprietor), Marjorie Gateson (Mrs. Grace Thorne) The release date of the movie is 18.08.1933. This movie it is produced by RKO Radio Pictures . Filmed in the following locations: RKO Studios - 780 N. Gower Street, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA . Production countries: United States of America Movie Genre: Movies Mystery
Richard Bruce, an American in fog bound London stumbles into the midst of international intrigue, with Rose Thorne, an innocent dupe. Together they try to unravel the mystery, enlisting the aid of a cat burglar named Holmes, who they bump into along the way.