
A contemporary prequel to the 1960 film Psycho, depicting the life of Norman Bates and his mother Norma prior to the events portrayed in Hitchcocks film, albeit in a different fictional town and in a modern setting. The series begins after the death of Normas husband, when she purchases a motel located in a coastal Oregon town so she and Norman can start a new life.

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Bates Motel reviews

Unrelated, boring, ridiculous. I dont understand how this non-existent story became so popular that it got its TV show. The Based on an original movie Psycho from 1960 is just clickbait, this story has nothing to do with the movie except the names of characters and location. Most of the episodes are filled with absurdly stupid and unrealistic plot twists which make the whole show boring and unpleasant to watch. The most common question asked every few minutes was why. There are more fictional TV series that are at least entertaining, this one is not. After the first few episodes, I treated it like a background for surfing the net and even then it was painful to finish the first season. I wont continue even if its the last thing left to watch because its not only a waste of time but also energy - both electric and mine.


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