Poster The Last Place on Earth

Original title

The Last Place on Earth



In production


Number of episodes


Number of seasons


Release date


Last air date


  Last episode to air




TMDb rating

Note 7 from a total of 4 votes
7 Stars

Original language



The Last Place on Earth is a 1985 Central Television seven part serial, written by Trevor Griffiths based on the book Scott and Amundsen by Roland Huntford. The book is an exploration of the expeditions of Captain Robert F. Scott and his Norwegian rival in polar exploration, Roald Amundsen in their attempts to reach the South Pole.The series ran for seven episodes and starred a wide range of UK and Norwegian character actors as well as featuring some famous names, such as Max von Sydow, Richard Wilson, Sylvester McCoy and Pat Roach. It also featured performances early in their careers by Bill Nighy and Hugh Grant.Subsequently Huntfords book was republished under the same name. The book put forth the point of view that Amundsens success in reaching the South Pole was abetted by much superior planning, whereas errors by Scott ultimately resulted in the death of him and his companions.

See the TV series The Last Place on Earth

Nejvzdálenější místo na Zemi - Český

Český - Czech

Nejvzdálenější místo na Zemi

Na začátku 20. století nebylo mnoho míst na mapě světa, kam nevkročila noha člověka. Jedním z nich je Jižní pól. Polárník Scott chce pro Británii získat prvenství. Dostane se mu však nečekaného soupeře. Po obdržení zprávy o dobytí Severního pólu se vydává k Antarktidě i zkušený norský polarník Roald Amundsen. Začíná závod o dobytí Jižního pólu.

Последнее место на Земле - Pусский

Pусский - Russian

Последнее место на Земле

История соперничества между британцем Робертом Скоттом и норвежцем Руалем Амундсеном, когда они пытались достичь Южного полюса.

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