
A psychotherapist finds himself held prisoner by a serial killer with an unusual request curb his homicidal urges.

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The Patient reviews

For some reason The Patient recalls, for me, the screen adaptation of Stephen Kings novel, Misery. Only this time, the greatest fan is an obsessively homicidal patient of a notable, published, psychotherapist. A reserved educated man, who is drawn, quite literally into the insane world, of his patient. This is a highly polished, superbly acted, slow burn thriller.Interestingly, the creators opted for short episodes. Perhaps they were concerned the limited scope of this story, might bore the audience? They neednt have worried. This is highly addictive fare where the polite, controlled conversations between the patient and his therapist, are always on the potential cusp of unspeakable acts, of uncontrollable violence. Its a tight rope the audience walks, along with the tales primary protagonists. In summary, novel, engrossing, polished and thoroughly addictive.


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