
El cómico Jerry Seinfeld y sus excéntricos amigos (Constanza, Kramer y Elaine) viven en Nueva York y les pasan innumerables peripecias en esta genial comedia de situación donde la menor excusa sirve para regalarnos un delirante episodio. Batió todos los récords de audiencia que se pusieron por delante, y aún hoy en día sus reposiciones siguen contando con innumerables seguidores, no en vano "Seinfeld" es una verdadera leyenda de la televisión americana. "Media hora acerca de nada", así definió Jerry Seinfeld su teleserie cuando la presentó a los ejecutivos de la NBC, a comienzos de 1990. Contra todo pronóstico, ellos aceptaron. No en vano Seinfeld era ya por entonces uno de los cómicos más populares de Estados Unidos. ¿Su secreto? Sacar punta a las rutinas de cada día hasta convertirlas en reflexiones filosóficas dignas de figurar en un tratado sobre las grandezas y las miserias humanas.

Actores y actrices de la película. Seinfeld Ver todos los actores


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Seinfeld opiniones

This series was absolutely hilarious. I have to admit, I missed out when it first started and happened to catch it with my brother one day. I believe we had seen Jerry on TV once or twice (this was way back when a lot of people didnt have cable TV) and this series became the funniest thing on TV. I watched it whenever I could but that wasnt enough. Finally, quite a few years later, I bought the DVD set and watched everything in order, plus I watched all of the extras. It is awesome. This is one of first series that I know of where you really needed to watch every episode in sequence to keep up with it. Remember when TV shows had almost standalone episodes? You could watch them in any order and not get lost or confused or feel like you missed something. Not anymore. Anyway, I know many people who didnt get it; it being the Seinfeld/David humor... but thats because they never would sit down for an entire episode to give it a chance. And how can you expect someone to get it who cant pronounce Seinfeld?? It takes a very stubborn person to keep saying SeinFIELD even after youve corrected them a hundred times.


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