
Serie de TV de 156 episodios (2003-2010). De la unidad del FBI denominada "Cold Cases" ("casos fríos") forman parte los detectives de Philadelphia Lilly Rush (Kathryn Morris) y John Stillman (John Finn). Esta sección se ocupa de volver a investigar casos archivados por falta de pruebas cinco, diez o incluso cincuenta años después.

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Caso abierto opiniones

This was easily the most creative and freshest of the detective series of the modern time frame from 1980 to 2020. The show revolves around the regular cast, who pretty much stay in the background to the actions of guest stars. Thats pretty much how most good TV action shows work. For instance, shows like The Big Valley and The Virginian would have the regular players be the passing crowd of the public for whatever guest stars came around with their drama. In other words, the drama kings and queens come and go. In this show, there was always some ironic twist to a cold case of murder. It might not even be murder when its figured out. There are lots of flashbacks, and of course these dont involve the regular players. The show had a fresh approach that one doesnt generally see from the usual hacks of the writers guild.


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