
Con la ayuda de su diario para recuperar la memoria, el médico rememora su juventud cuando, a los 25 años, fue enviado a la remota y gélida tundra de la Rusia rural, para hacerse cargo de un pequeño hospital, su falta de experiencia lo llevara a situaciones realmente tensas, es allí mismo donde se vuelve un fuerte adicto a la morfina.

Actores y actrices de la película. A Young Doctor's Notebook Ver todos los actores


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A Young Doctor's Notebook opiniones

Magnificent! Loaded with atmosphere and a sense of melancholy this show was a pleasure to watch. I was engrossed in the world almost instantly. Daniel Radcliffe showed very good comedic instincts. Walking the fine line between overcooked and manic desperation. More than a few belly laughs to be had along the way. Enjoy your stay in this dark, yet strangely cozy, little hospital in the middle of nowhere. No wait, this is actually further away than the middle of nowhere. You have to take a train to the middle of nowhere to get here.


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