
Un grupo de personas con poderes psíquicos, entre los que se halla la profesora de psicología Joyce Reardon, es invitado a pasar cinco días encerrados en una mansión abandonada, Rose Red, en la que se han producido extraños acontecimientos desde el mismo día en que fue edificada, y que ha acabado con las vidas de todos sus moradores. Al grupo se les une el prometido de Joyce y dueño de la mansión, Steve Rimbauer, y Annie, una adolescente autista. Ya en la primera noche todos perciben que la casa tiene vida propia.

Actores y actrices de la película. La mansión de Rose Red Ver todos los actores


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La mansión de Rose Red opiniones

His problem is...he doesnt know how to end things. At least most of the time with King the pay off is the build up and that build up is really fun to read...or in this case watch. But it ends like The Stand, with a solid meh. And the plot is very Drive-in B-Horror movie, which is fun, because, you know, they arent trying to do Shakespeare who was also a--gasp--pop writer in his day. Its King, he does horror and some of it is EPIC, like The Shinning, The Stand, you know the names... ...but most of it is B-Movie fun and enjoyable on a whole different level. Rose Red is a B-Movie from the haunted house vein and it works, it makes for an enjoyable show with an enjoyable cast. The is until it tapers out in the last act, but its long enough where that doesnt matter, we had the build-up and it was worth it.


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