Born in Vlădești, Argeș County, he graduated high school in Câmpulung in 1967 and Bucharests Caragiale Academy of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography in 1971. He made his theatrical debut a year before graduating, at the Bulandra Theater, in Truman Capotes The Grass Harp. His screen debut came in Dan Pițas Nunta de piatră (1972); he would later appear in the same directors Filip cel Bun (1975). Other directors with whom he has worked include Alexandru Tatos (Mere roșii, 1975; Secvențe, 1982; and Secretul armei secrete, 1988), Virgil Calotescu (Buletin de București, 1982; and Căsătorie cu repetiție, 1985), Nae Caranfil (Asfalt Tango, 1996; and Filantropica, 2002) and Cătălin Mitulescu (The Way I Spent the End of the World, 2006). In all, he has appeared in more than sixty films.Diaconu worked with Lucian Pintilie both in film (the 1981 De ce trag clopotele, Mitică?) and in theater Gogols The Government Inspector at Bulandra, and Shakespeares As You Like It at the Nottara Theater. Liviu Ciulei hired him at Bulandra in 1972, and he remained there for a decade, before moving on to Nottara. At Bulandra, he appeared in Twelfth Night and The Tempest, both under Ciuleis direction; and in Marin Sorescus Răceala, directed by Dan Micu. At Nottara, he appeared in Alexander Ostrovskys The Forest; Ultimul bal, after Liviu Rebreanus Forest of the Hanged; and Mihai Ispirescus Într-o dimineață. He became the director of Nottara Theater in 2004, working as such until his resignation in 2011.

Tous les films disponibles à partir de Mircea Diaconu

Films indisponible à partir de Mircea Diaconu

Bucharest Identity Card

Radu Petrescu

Film 1982

Love Sick

Mr. Dragnea

Film 2006


Ovidiu Gorea

Film 2002

The Actress, the Dollars and the Transylvanians

Romulus Brad

Film 1978


motel keeper

Film 1982

The Prophet, the Gold, and the Transylvanians

Romulus Brad

Film 1978

The Oil, the Baby and the Transylvanians

Romulus Brad

Film 1981

Reach for the Sky


Film 1990

One-Day Adventures

Film 2008


Mircea Prejbeanu

Film 2007

Happy End

Film 2006

To Paris with the Identity Card

Drăgan Niță

Film 2015

Red Apples

Dr. Irod

Film 1976

Kino Caravan


Film 2009

Fox Hunting

Pătru cel scurt

Film 1980

A Love Story, Lindenfeld

Film 2014

A Lost Letter

Iordache Branzovenescu

Film 1977

The Stone Wedding


Film 1973


Ştefan Vrânceanu

Film 2014

The Firemen's Choir

Film 2000

Repeated Wedding

Radu Petrescu

Film 1985

The Way I Spent the End of the World

Grigore Matei

Film 2006

A Smile Of The Sun


Film 1987

Why Are the Bells Ringing, Mitica?


Film 1981

The Secret of the Secret Weapon

Zmeul Zmeilor

Film 1988

The House Between the Fields


Film 1980

Dănilă Prepeleac

Dănilă Prepeleac

Film 1996

The Poseidon Explosion

Film 1973

O lumină la etajul zece

zidarul Trică

Film 1984

The Sign of the Serpent


Film 1981

Poor Ioanide


Film 1980

Filip the Kind

absolventul de liceu Filip

Film 1975



Film 1977

Un petic de cer

Ion Panait

Film 1984



Film 2010

Waiting for a Train


Film 1982

A Summer Tale

Film 1976

Happenings with Alexandra

Film 1989

Farewell, Dear Nela!


Film 1972

The Actor and the Savages

Radu Toma

Film 1975

Operation 'The Bus'

Film 1978



Film 1985

Starting Over


Film 1987

The Computer Testifies

V. Vișan

Film 1982

The Trap


Film 1974

The Telephone


Film 1992

Before the Silence

Pvt. Dumitru

Film 1978

Shootings Under the Moonlight

Sgt. Marin Văduva

Film 1977

Together Again


Film 1978

Tragic Vacation


Film 1979

The End of the Night

Prosecutor Matei

Film 1982


Candrea Alexa Kendy

Film 1984

Căruța cu mere


Film 1983

O vară cu Mara

Ilieș Calancea

Film 1988

Flames Over Treasures


Film 1988

Fii cu ochii pe fericire


Film 1999



Film 2007

Toma Caragiu - Momente de aur

Film 2003