
Au lendemain d'une virée nocturne bien arrosée, le jeune Naz, d'origine Pakistanaise, se réveille aux côtés d'une jeune femme baignant dans son sang. Cette dernière a été poignardée et il ne se souvient de rien. Inculpé pour ce meurtre, il est désormais prisonnier du système judiciaire où, parfois, la vérité passe au second plan. Un avocat bon marché mais tenace se propose de l'aider.

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The Night Of avis

Boring. From the first episode the whole story is unrealistic and sometimes even ridiculous. This is not how prison, court, police and lawyers work. Everything is so fake. Stupid guy doing stupid things, one after another, until the end and public servants jumping over their heads to save his pathetic life and bring justice. Didnt care what would happen to him at any moment. Why making movie about someone like that, not to mention whole series? The only thing that worked well was ever present uncertainty, which lasted until the end but from the other side sometimes it led to even more bizarre scenes and some threads were left unfinished.


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