
Alec Mercer, professeur de sciences du comportement de renommée mondiale, utilise son expertise unique en matière de psychologie et de langage corporel pour résoudre des affaires complexes et à fort enjeu.

Acteurs et actrices du film Irrational Voir tous les acteurs


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Irrational avis

The Irrational is in the same vein as a lot of other production line, US crime dramas. Its style and approach, being very similar to series like Criminal Minds and NCIS. That is to say, its lightweight escapism, with a who dunnit punchline. So far Im four episodes in and still enjoying myself. A little woke nonsense but not too in your face or OTT. In summary, a lightweight,fun US crime drama thats perfect for those in between hours, where you just need something a little diverting.


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