
Après le crash de leur avion, des lycéennes d’une équipe de football luttent pour leur survie dans une région sauvage du Nord des États-Unis. Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, les survivantes se sont reconstruites… enfin presque. Car une question revient sans cesse, que s’est-il passé durant les dix-neuf mois qu’a duré leur calvaire ? Et combien de temps tiendra encore leur pacte de ne jamais rien révéler ?

Acteurs et actrices du film Yellowjackets Voir tous les acteurs


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Yellowjackets avis

I gave this TV show 7/10. I would give it more but Americans are pushing propaganda hard lately and this TV show didnt survive it either. Good things * TV show has interesting story. * Has good soundtracks. * Has good character development. I like shows and movies like this - mystery especially tied to supernatural and cults. Bad things * TV show starts with teens masturbating each other. After few minutes we see grown adult woman masturbating as well. If creators wanted to impress with such scenes, they failed miserably. Such scenes dont add anything valuable to story. Scenens like masturbating and sex arent necessary and apparently creators dont understand this. Its just awkward & emberassing to watch. * Like I said this TV show didnt survive propaganda either. Im sick and tired of watching political propaganda in American shows lately, but apparently they have agenda to push is as hard as possible. Well, theyre not on a same level as Nazis during WWII, but theyre quite close.


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