
2063. Après un demi-siècle d'exploration spatiale et de colonisation, l'Humanité a conquis l'espace. Mais un événement tragique va tout changer ! Un poste avancé, situé à plusieurs années lumières de la Terre, est attaqué par une entité extraterrestre jusqu'alors inconnue. Les premières contre-attaques humaines se soldent par des échecs sanglants. Le dernier espoir de la race humaine repose sur une unité spéciale, composée de jeunes recrues. La guerre intergalactique ne fait que commencer...

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Space 2063 avis

Humanity, believing itself alone in the universe, has one of its off-world colonies destroyed by an alien race. Thrown into an interplanetary war against an enemy they didn’t know existed, Earth forces take anyone willing to fight. With the elite 127th squadron wiped out, the half-trained hog-podge 58th Wild Cards” are sent against the alien threat, nicknamed the Chigs. Review I watched this show as a kid and re-watched it as an adult. The CGI doesn’t really hold up anymore, they reuse the same 6-8 clips of the space fighters zipping around, if that kind of repetitive video gets to you then this is a pass; I don’t mind it at all. I still love this show. They change up the action by having land and space battles so it isn’t the same old awooga” / get to the space ship / space battle – in every episode. The characters are all individual people who came from a place and generally have places to go back to, this seems to be a concept lost by some modern writers who just plug in a character trait of a person into a situation. There was a proper sci-fi world built that existed further than just the Chig war that I would have really liked to see in additional seasons but as with all good sci-fi on FOX, it was canceled as soon as possible.


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