As the second gripping series of The Protectors begins, Denmark is still shaken by the outrage caused in the Islamic world over the publication of a Muhammad cartoon in a Danish newspaper. The Protection Unit of the Danish Intelligence Bureau is faced with a precarious mission, when the Foreign Minister moves to re-open the embassy in Islamabad, closed after a terrorist bombing several years before, the lives of many are at risk - not only in Denmark, but as far away as Moscow and Islamabad. Despite their relentless efforts, murders cannot always be prevented, and suicide bombers cannot always be stopped - even by a highly experienced and elite unit such as this.
Ez egy emlékeztető, hogy a funkció vagy tartalom eléréséhez bejelentkezés szükséges. Kérjük, győződjön meg arról, hogy érvényes fiókkal rendelkezik, és be van jelentkezve, mielőtt megpróbálna hozzáférni ehhez az erőforráshoz