
A Kennedy család drámai fordulatokban gazdag, hatalmas ívű életútját bemutató nyolcrészes sorozat 1960-ban, az amerikai elnökválasztás előestéjén kezdődik. John Fitzgerald (Jack) Kennedy szenátor vetélkedik Richard Nixon alelnökkel az elnöki posztért. Miközben végigkövetjük az elnökválasztás izgalmait, megelevenedik a múlt is: megismerjük az ír bevándorlók gyermekét, Joe Kennedyt, aki a szegény sorból kiemelkedve tehetségének és ambíciójának köszönhetően a londoni nagyköveti állásig küzdötte fel magát. Miután saját politikai karrierje zátonyra fut, a fia útját kezdi egyengetni. Ám az ifjabb Joe Kennedy elesik a második világháborúban. Az édesapának kész a terve: helyét vegye át a második fiú, Jack.

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I recommend it


This is one of those titles that was HEAVILY censored in the review section in IMDB... recently. When it first came out over a decade ago there were thousands, but then in 2020, the thousands dropped to 45 and only a few remain... ... the few that have the right political views. The fact is it stank, it really did. They didnt look like the Kennedys, they didnt act like them, and for all intents and purposes it seems like they ejected most of the Kennedy tapes and most of the Irish Mafia. ODonnel, OBrien, and Powers are so minimized that it clearly took only the insights of people like Schlesinger and Sorenson and no one else. The people that were in the administration but not trusted, not influential, and only later did their best to push their narrative of individual power when, in fact, they were second rate players at best. Its the Kennedys from the view point of the people in the Kennedy administration that were resentful to be left outside when the doors closed, and then went on to boast about being a part of the action just because no one knew they were left outside in the lobby. But the real tragedy is that it was made in 2011, the Kennedy tapes were made public by then, and instead it relied on the views of people left outside to wait until the decisions were made.


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