
A Kisvárosi gyilkosságok egy olyan sorozat, amely napjaink Angliájának gyönyörű vidéki környezetében játszódik tele színes egyéniségekkel és intrikával. A város nem éppen átlagos lakói között találhatjuk a nyugodt és összeszedett bűnüldöző, Barnaby főfelügyelőt és fiatalabb, lassabb asszisztensét, Troy őrmestert. Összetett gyilkosságoknak kell a végére járniuk ebben a csipkefüggönyös, tökéletesre nyírt pázsitú kisvárosban, Midsomerben. Úgy tűnik ez a vidék több gyilkos pszichopatának ad otthont, mint a legrosszabb városi gettó.

Színészek és színésznők a filmből Midsomer Murders Az összes szereplő megtekintése

Midsomer Murders vélemények

We have now watched every season of Midsomer Murders so far, and that is a lot. So you know we like the program. It took a few shows for us to get a sense that the it is a pastiche of police shows. I don’t mean that it is a comedy or makes fun of the genre; just that it turns it on its head a little. For one thing, it seems there are always about three murders per episode, and they are not 90 minute shows. They aren’t serial killings; it just seems like for one reason or another, circumstances call for repeat killings. Besides the three-peat murders, there is also a sort of formula the episodes often follow. A lot of the shows either include a pseudo supernatural element, or they take place during some kind of festival or fete. People from a character’s past also play into a lot of shows, and if you are squeamish and someone says “What are you doing here?” Look away for just a moment. Plus, perhaps out of necessity since there are so many murders, they come up with imaginative ways of doing it. Not always plausible, mind you, but all part of the fun. So it is a pleasant show. The recurring characters are likable and their personal plot lines provide continuity for the one-&and-done mystery for each episode. If you are dubious but still give it a try, watch at least three episodes. It grows on you. If you have Roku tv channels, there is one channel that runs just Midsomer Murders, though I imagine not in any sensible order. Don’t let then20-plus seasons put you off. There aren’t many episodes per season so it goes faster than you might think.

Peter McGinn

Spoiler Alert Do you want to know who the killer is? Look for a Cross, a Star of David, someone praying, a member of the clergy and you are good. The character that is not an atheist is the killer... unless the character is a Muslim, then they will be heroic. And they are pretty pathological about it. in a different age it would be bigotry, not the new episodes are made in an era where people are proud of their bigotry. But for you the viewer its like watching a Woke show in America... you know who the killer is because they look like Trump. In the UK, its Christian or Jew. Its pretty disgusting now.


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