Candace Hutson is an American actress best known as the voice of Cera the Triceratops in The Land Before Time (1988) and its first three sequels. She portayed Jessie Wade in Dolly Dearest (1991) and Molly Newton in Evening Shade (1991–1994). She has appeared in several other TV shows and also voiced Mattie the Mouse in Reader Rabbit.
Cera (voice)
Film 1994
Cera (voice)
Film 1995
Cera (voice)
Film 1996
Man's Wife
Film 2001
Holly Dreyer
Film 1989
Jessica Wade
Film 1991
Molly Newton
Tv 1990
Kimberly Ellroy
Tv 1989
Baby Stephanie (as Candy Hutson)
Tv 1982
Tv 1987
Robin Hawkins
Tv 1984
Little Girl
Tv 1989
Tv 1987
Tv 1993