Descrizione Guardiani della Galassia Italiano

Guardiani della Galassia ha nei ruoli principali su Chris Pratt (Peter Quill), Zoe Saldaña (Gamora), Dave Bautista (Drax), Vin Diesel (Groot (voice)) Questo film è prodotto da Marvel Studios . Girato nelle seguenti località: Longcross Studios, Chobham Lane, Longcross, Chertsey, Surrey, England, UK . Paesi di produzione: United States of America Genere cinematografico: Film Azione, Film Fantascienza, Film Avventura

L'audace esploratore Peter Quill è inseguito dai cacciatori di taglie per aver rubato una misteriosa sfera ambita da Ronan, un essere malvagio la cui sfrenata ambizione minaccia l'intero universo. Per sfuggire all’ostinato Ronan, Quill è costretto a una scomoda alleanza con quattro improbabili personaggi: Rocket, un procione armato; Groot, un umanoide dalle sembianze di un albero; la letale ed enigmatica Gamora e il vendicativo Drax il Distruttore. Ma quando Quill scopre il vero potere della sfera e la minaccia che costituisce per il cosmo, farà di tutto per guidare questa squadra improvvisata in un'ultima, disperata battaglia per salvare il destino della galassia.

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Descrizione disponibile in altre lingue Guardiani della Galassia

en fr es it ru pt de zh ko hu pl tr el cs ro (Movie Translated)

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Parole chiave del film
spacecraft based on comic space orphan adventurer aftercreditsstinger duringcreditsstinger marvel cinematic universe mcu 1980s 2010s action girl action heroine alien alien planet android anthropomorphism army assassin bare chested male based on comic book based on graphic novel battle black comedy black market boy brawl breaking a window camp cancer crash landing creature dancing death deception die hard scenario drunkenness ensemble cast escape ex convict exploding body exploding building explosion family relationships father daughter relationship female assassin female chauvinism female warrior fight final showdown flashback four word title friend friendship fugitive girl good versus evil gunfight hand to hand combat handcuffed woman handcuffs held at gunpoint hero heroine hologram hospital hostage human in outer space interracial relationship kidnapping knife literature on screen little girl male objectification martial arts marvel cinematic universe marvel comics marvel entertainment mercenary misandry money montage mother son relationship murder nickname on the run outer space outlaw part of franchise pilot pirate politician prison prison guard prison riot prisoner psychotronic film raccoon sword soldier superhero shot in the back self sacrifice violence torture suicide shootout showdown surrealism rescue supernatural power slow motion scene wisecrack humor younger version of character revenge stylized violence written by director racial slur scheme superhero team tough girl rebel superheroine shared universe scene during end credits space battle racial stereotype title at the end shooting storm sexual harassment trauma rocket launcher sexist surprise after end credits secretly observing troll doll strong female character smuggling title spoken by character surveillance revolt sword fight theft sister sister relationship spaceship warrior warlord space travel smuggler underwater scene downpour alien race arm cut off distraction walkman cassette tape shot with an arrow villain not really dead cliche talking raccoon dog wears a costume singing along to a song sony walkman dragging someone artificial gravity boxer briefs infinity stone short dress and heels screaming boy
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