Descrizione Forrest Gump Italiano

Forrest Gump ha nei ruoli principali su Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump), Robin Wright (Jenny Curran), Gary Sinise (Lieutenant Dan Taylor), Sally Field (Mrs. Gump) Questo film è prodotto da Paramount Pictures, The Steve Tisch Company, Wendy Finerman Productions . Girato nelle seguenti località: Chippewa Square, Savannah, Georgia, USA . Paesi di produzione: United States of America Genere cinematografico: Film Commedia, Film Dramma, Film Romance

Forrest Gump - un ragazzo non proprio idiota, ma dal basso coefficiente d'intelligenza - racconta la sua storia a coloro che, uno dopo l'altro, si siedono vicino a lui in attesa dell'autobus. È stato in Vietnam, ha stretto la mano a tre presidenti, ha incontrato Elvis, ha assistito ai movimenti studenteschi, ha casualmente fatto esplodere il Watergate, ha suggerito le parole di "Imagine" a John Lennon e per tutta la vita è stato innamorato di una ragazza conosciuta fin da bambino.

Il mondo non ti sembrerà più lo stesso dopo averlo visto attraverso gli occhi di Forrest Gump.

Descrizione disponibile in altre lingue Forrest Gump

en ru de it fr hu pt zh tr es cs pl el ko ro (Movie Translated)

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Parole chiave del film
vietnam war vietnam veteran mentally disabled friendship usa president washington dc usa post traumatic stress disorder ptsd waitress based on novel or book hippie single parent parent child relationship optimism 1970s drug addiction autism alabama black panther party bus stop family relationships chameleon single mother military anti war protest 1960s college american football mother son relationship reminiscent amused enthusiastic feel good 1950s 1980s 20th century alternate history anger assassination bar based on book based on novel battle best friend black man blockbuster boat bullying character name in title child abuse church cocaine college cult classic cult film dancing dead body disability doctor double amputee father female nudity female rear nudity fictional biography fight fishing flashback football hand job journey jungle kiss maid male female relationship male hits a female male protagonist male pubic hair man wears eyeglasses military hospital mother new years eve new york city ping pong prostitution pubic hair soldier stock footage taxi speech sex scene wedding two word title slow motion scene uniform running rain racial slur red light district wheelchair racial stereotype swimming war hero san francisco california television reunion title spoken by character watching tv surprise ending usa racism washington dc suicide attempt underdog bus ride watergate scandal sniper fire boarder business proposition
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