Descrizione Django Unchained Italiano

Django Unchained ha nei ruoli principali su Jamie Foxx (Django Freeman), Christoph Waltz (Dr. King Schultz), Leonardo DiCaprio (Calvin J. Candie), Kerry Washington (Broomhilda von Shaft) Questo film è prodotto da The Weinstein Company, Columbia Pictures . Girato nelle seguenti località: Evergreen Plantation - 4677 Highway 18, Edgard, Louisiana, USA . Paesi di produzione: United States of America Genere cinematografico: Film Dramma, Film Western

Stati Uniti del Sud, alla vigilia della guerra civile. Il cacciatore di taglie di origine tedesca dottor King Schultz, su un carretto da dentista, è alla ricerca dei fratelli Brittle, per consegnarli alle autorità piuttosto morti che vivi e incassare la ricompensa. Per scovarli, libera dalle catene lo schiavo Django, promettendogli la libertà a missione completata. Tra i due uomini nasce così un sodalizio umano e professionale che li conduce attraverso l'America delle piantagioni e degli orrori razzisti alla ricerca dei criminali in fuga e della moglie di Django, Broomhilda, venduta come schiava a qualche possidente negriero.

Gli hanno tolto la libertà. Lui gli toglierà ogni cosa.

Descrizione disponibile in altre lingue Django Unchained

en it de fr es ru pt zh pl hu tr cs el ko ro (Movie Translated)

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Parole chiave del film
rescue friendship bounty hunter texas slavery plantation rivalry revenge shootout racism kindness dentist django slave trade aftercreditsstinger black slave agreement 19th century chattanooga german cotton plantation plantation owner old west western 1850s mississippi african american australian bar bare chested male bartender beating birthday birthday cake black american blaxploitation blood blood splatter brawl brother brother relationship brother sister relationship castration character name in title chase cigarette smoking death deception dual role escape exploding body exploitation explosion farm father son relationship fear female nudity fight fight to the death fire fistfight flashback french funeral german abroad good versus evil gore grindhouse film gun gunfight hands up held at gunpoint horse hostage husband wife relationship kiss knife ku klux klan lawyer liar male frontal nudity male full frontal nudity male nudity male protagonist male pubic hair marriage money montage murder outlaw pipe smoking pistol promise pubic hair pursuit snow shot in the back sadism two word title violence torture robbery small town slow motion scene singing sheriff wilhelm scream training written by director shadow racial slur role playing racial stereotype song sex slave shooting shooting a woman tied to a tree street shootout servant rap music testicles stagecoach robbery riding bareback revisionist history shooting a horse speaking german reference to boston massachusetts racial violence shot in the chest sunglasses woods shot in the head sniper shot to death rape and revenge reward storytelling bundle of money blood on camera lens shot point blank bill of sale setting a table bag over head riding at a gallop shooting practice bourbon phrenologist firing two guns simultaneously concealed weapon chains
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