
Le esperienze ad alta tensione di un gruppo di professionisti che operano nell'ambito dei servizi di emergenza - poliziotti, paramedici, vigili del fuoco. Uomini e donne chiamati nelle situazioni più scioccanti, imprevedibili, intense ed emozionanti, i quali mettono le proprie vite in pericolo per salvare il prossimo. Mentre lo fanno, il sergente Athena Grant, il capitano dei vigili del fuoco Bobby Nash, l'operatrice del 911 Abby Clark e i loro colleghi devono cercare inoltre di bilanciare gli impegni e le difficoltà della loro professione con le rispettive vite private.

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9-1-1 recensioni

911 is our go to guilty pleasure show. No one is watching this show for its realism. It is over the top most of the time, but really, thats what makes it fun. If you need to turn off your brain for 43 minutes, watch this.


My fiance watches it. Ive seen it before. There is nothing particularly bad about it. The stories are well written. Its well acted. It can be engaging. But...I watched ER back in the 90s. Ive seen Chicago Fire. Ive seen Hill Street Blues. Ive seen Law and Order. CHIPS, Baywatch, you name it. My issue with it is that its just like so many other other dramas that I watched over the years that I cant really bring myself to care that much about it. But I wont fault it for quality, what it does it does well. Its just what it does has been done a thousand times before.


A series full of action, a series with many sensitive scenes that made me cry to live with the 9-1-1 team. A funny series but at the same time realistic and dramatic. Maybe what Im saying doesnt make sense, but its worth seeing. I recommend this series.


This show is good, but not perfect. It doesnt have racism and anti-white propaganda like any other American shows nowadays which is a big plus, however LGBT agenda still here. We got Lesbian couple married raising a kid. At least we dont get sex scenes in this show which is another plus. Now about characters... Theyre well developed and you care about them. Story is okay, its about 911 unit, so its very obvious that its a about rescue. Each episode is different. Its not boring. So, in short, its a good show, but with minor flaws. Because of this Im giving it 8/10.


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