
Sono passati quasi 30 anni da quando il dottor Sam Beckett è entrato nell'acceleratore del Salto Quantico ed è scomparso. Ora, una nuova squadra, guidata dal fisico Ben Song, è stata riunita per riavviare il progetto nella speranza di comprendere i misteri dietro la macchina e l'uomo che l'ha creata. Tutto cambia, però, quando Ben fa un salto non autorizzato nel passato, lasciando indietro la squadra a risolvere il mistero del perché lo ha fatto. Al fianco di Ben durante i suoi balzi c'è Addison, che appare sotto forma di un ologramma che solo Ben può vedere e sentire. È una veterana dell'esercito decorata che apporta una precisione equilibrata al suo lavoro. Mentre Ben passa da una vita all'altra, rimettendo a posto ciò che una volta era andato storto, diventa chiaro che lui e la squadra stanno intraprendendo un viaggio emozionante. Ma sanno anche che se vogliono risolvere il mistero del salto di Ben e riportarlo a casa, dovranno agire in fretta o perderlo per sempre.

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Quantum Leap recensioni

Its been the fashion of late, to reinvent once popular shows without any conception of what made them popular to start with. Calling a show Quantum Leap, isnt a magic totem, it doesnt make the show automatically work. Such is the case with this new, old series. The original series starring Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell worked in large part, because of the great chemistry and wry humour, these two shared, as much as it was, the shows time travelling adventures. The reinvention isnt utterly awful but its a long way from being the original.Indeed, aside from the name this show could have been called anything. It bears only a superficial semblance in terms of overriding story. To my mind, its not helped either by this incessant need, on the part of contemporary entertainment, to push social justice and woke ideologies on the viewing audience. Its not as if we dont notice and speaking for myself and no doubt many others, its tiresome. If people dont believe in something or are not interested (Im in the latter category) incessantly trumpeting the message, if Im anything to go by turns people off and I suspect, hardens resistance. In summary, moderately watchable, The chemistry between the leads found in the original series is largely absent, as is the humour.Usual dreary woke messaging does nothing, in my opinion, to enhance this series enjoyment.


Watching a couple of episodes of this re-boot has just made me want to watch the original series again. Dont know why they bothered with this 2022 version of Quantum Leap... the characters are insincere, the stories are hollow, the drama is over inflated. Its just not interesting. Watch the original... it still works as well today as the first time I watched it. The adventures (leaps) are totally engaging and the chemistry between Al and Sam is magic.


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