
Un aereo proveniente da Berlino atterra a New York ma dal suo interno non giungono segni di vita. Il dottor Ephraim Goodweather del CDC viene chiamato ad investigare col suo team pensando che si tratti di un epidemia. Vengono trovati quattro sopravvissuti mentre tutto il resto dell'aereo risulta morto in modo misterioso. Goodweather comincerà ad indagare scoprendo che qualcosa di antico e pericolo minaccia l'intera città...

Attori e attrici del film The Strain Vedi tutti gli attori


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The Strain recensioni

This show got an early 7/10 from me. The start was hella strong but it progressively went downhill faster than that time Neil Gaiman took over American Gods (2017) because Gods forbid a black man offend white people over slavery in America! 6/10 is the best rating I can give to Season 1, because as good as the Season 1 was, it suffers from the stupidity that became more prevalent in Season 2. So prevalent in fact that I just couldnt anymore by mid Season 2. How The Strain (2014) manages to retain its high praise and high regard for it to remain in Recommended lists is beyond my understanding.


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