
la coppia di amiche più strana al mondo: Sam & Cat. Sam è rumorosa, indipendente e forte, mentre Cat è dolce come il miele e super ingenua. Questo però non impedisce a queste due ragazze di diventare coinquiline e socie in affari. Insieme, Sam e Cat amano vivere avventure e divertirsi. Devono però anche pagare le bollette. Così, diventano babysitter. Questa però è soltanto un'altra occasione per spassarsela insieme.

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Sam & Cat recensioni

**Never judge a book by its cover** At first, I didnt think I would like this show for three reasons 1. The characters names were cringy in my opinion. 2. I did not like Ariana Grande at the time. 3. It seemed like both titular characters were girly girls, which I do not like because of my tomboy nature. But earlier today, I turned on Netflix and started to watch this series. I was deep into it within the first 5 minutes. And Cats voice and tone of nature just made it funnier. I also learned that Sam is legit my fictional character double. This show is amazing and I can recommend it to literally anyone. Also, the running gag of Nonas life stories is very funny and relatable with literally every elder ever.

Mercedes Varnado #1 Fan!

Parole chiave del film
roommates babysitter spin off
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