
Dopo anni a studiare nella prestigiosa università per maghi del regno di Mondo Disco, Scuotivento viene espulso per non aver ancora imparato i rudimenti della magia. L'arrivo ad Ankh-Morpork dell'ingenuo turista Duefiori costringe Scuotivento a trasformarsi in un'involontaria guida quando un incendio di natura dolosa li mette in fuga in un avventuroso viaggio in giro per il regno. In balia della volontà degli dei, si imbatteranno in creature magiche e sfide all'ultimo incantesimo, prima di giungere a Krull, dove precipiteranno oltre il disco che sorregge il regno.

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Il colore della magia recensioni

A Discworld adventure Beyond space and imagination! It is a 2 episode television mini-series adapted from a fantasy novel of the same name. If you have already seen The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter films, then wont get excited while watching it. But it is not a bad film, that made par with the television quality. Visually acceptable, but the performances and locations were good. It was a decent story, but mostly cliched. Inspired by middle age about the understanding of the earth and the universe. The world is flat and circular, where different kingdoms across all the continents about verge to discover something new. In this tale set in somewhere where a tourist and an expelled wizard to team up for the sightseeing, but end up in a long unexpected adventure where they face various dangers and overcoming it brings an end to the narration. The film characters were awesome, the imaginations were brilliant. It might be an ideal film for children, but for the grown up it is not much effective. Im not doubting the Terry Pratchetts creation, but only this series. A couple of seasons television series would be a good idea, but should not compromise for the graphics. While Game of Thrones making a big, why cant this. Hope my wish comes true very soon. 6½/10


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