
La serie narra dell'ultimo anno della missione quinquennale comandata dal capitano James T. Kirk, quindi gli avvenimenti descritti si situano cronologicamente tra la serie classica e il primo film di Star Trek.

Attori e attrici del film Star Trek - La serie animata Vedi tutti gli attori


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Star Trek - La serie animata recensioni

Seriously, could the animation move any slower? It is almost like watching a still painting with an audio track. But... who cares, because it still delivers Star Trek stories. It still continues the story. It is still some pretty decent Star Trek. And, honestly, compared to modern cartoons, even with the snail paced animation it still looks leagues better than what is being made today. The only issue is that... it ended and it ended too soon. You really dont get many episodes despite how long it aired, and it felt as unfortunately abrupt as the Original Series. You are left wanting more and you have to wait for the movies to get it.


Parole chiave del film
space space opera
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