
Un agente dell'FBI corrotto, un giovane uomo d'affari che vuole mettersi in proprio anche a causa dei problemi finanziari del padre e una talentuosa operatrice di computer, che ha appena scritto un nuovo codice relativo a una moneta digitale di nuova concezione, in grado di fare concorrenza a Bitcoin si ritrovano coinvolti in un gioco pericoloso, legato ai soldi e al potere. Accanto a loro, il malvivente di Little Haiti, Roland Dacey.

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StartUp recensioni

Some loonytoons compared this to THE WIRE and that made me want to see it, cause THE WIRE is one of the best series of all time. But while THE WIRE has some of the most fascinating characters in tv and film (alot because most of them are based on real people) this series has some of the most blandest characters in a series in recent memory. I usually dont mind the cast (the ones I know of, never heard of the woman before) but here they are rather dull and incredibly emotionless. 4 episodes and then I gave up, there are so many series I want to watch out there so why continue with one that can barely hold my attention? Think Ill give POWER a go instead... Or maybe start EMPIRE season 2, its a bit cheesy but at least it entertains.


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