
Un virus ha decimato il genere umano. Coloro che sono sopravvissuti sono ciechi. Protagonista è il padre di due gemelli nati secoli dopo con il mitico dono della vista. L’uomo dovrà proteggere la sua tribù da una perfida regina senza scrupoli.

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TL;DR We arent in conflict because of what we can do. We are in conflict because we exist. This series does a great job in explaining the human condition. It tackles the idea that the gods/God took away our sight after years trapped underground (in nuclear silos) by basically shouting at us with God thunder (nuclear weapons). Of course, the word nuclear becomes lost after decades/centuries underground, and of course, the idiots we are create a new religion to bind the majority to the lies we tell ourselves. The lie told throughout this story is that we have no sight because sight is evil since we can do many evil things by having it. Yet, the state of the world in the show is one of power-hoarding, classism, and war. The truth is humans arent collectively bad because of what we can, but instead its because of what we are. That being said, the minority of good apples must always believe they can both do and be better not only than the majority, but for it.


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