
Thomas Sullivan Magnum IV, più semplicemente Magnum, è un ufficiale di Marina decorato nella guerra del Vietnam dove combatté prima con i Navy SEAL e poi con il servizio segreto della marina. Congedandosi dopo una decina d'anni di servizio, nella vita civile ha intrapreso l'attività di investigatore privato (da cui il "P.I.", sigla del termine inglese Private Investigator). Magnum vive nella dépendance di una lussuosa villa in riva al mare sull'isola hawaiiana di Oahu su invito del padrone di casa, l'eccentrico scrittore di gialli Robin Masters (che non apparirà in senso fisico per tutta la serie, ma solo in modo figurativo), la cui ospitalità è ricambiata con l'attività di responsabile della sicurezza che Magnum fornisce alla proprietà. A mandare avanti la casa di Robin Masters è il maggiordomo e factotum inglese Jonathan Quayle Higgins III, ex sergente maggiore della British Army, che si avvale anche dell'aiuto dei suoi "ragazzi", due dobermann bene addestrati, Zeus e Apollo.

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Magnum, P.I. recensioni

Best show in the 80s! Magnum is the guy who everybody wants to be, and what every lady wants. Magnum, P.I. is a feel good TV series everybody to enjoy.


Had it come out in the 90s, Tom Magnum would have been a paranoid character fighting off the nightmares that plague him for all eternity after losing half his men in combat, or being the last man left in his squad. And had it come out today, hed be almost perfect, struggling never, with no character development. Stagnate, boring, with no growth to speak of. Hed be right all the time and end each episode political statement... like the New Magnum does. Instead he was written in the 80s, and he is kind of a mooch, but a charismatic one. He struggles and overcomes, his relationship with his friends grows and evolves, and he deals with Vietnam and flashbacks in a realistic and functioning way. He is capable of screwing up and fixing his mistakes. He is light and comical and void of an agenda. And he has friends that will unquestioningly follow him into a bar room brawl just because, well, thats what real friends do. It makes everything fun and relatable, it makes the show more down to earth and realistic that it would have been in following decades. And that goes double when its a story that involves an expensive sports car... which, to make it believable, he doesnt own.


Parole chiave del film
hawaii private investigator
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