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배우, 여배우 및 유명인 - 페이지 2424

Rodney El Haddad

Rodney El Haddad

Rodney El Haddad

Dans Bosta lautobus (Bosta) (2005) ”, Rodney El Haddad fait sa première apparition dans un long métrage, après une carrière riche au théâtre, an tant qu’acteur, scénariste et réalisateur. Diplômé de la faculté des Arts dramatiques de l’Université Libanaise en 2000, il joue dans plu

Stefan Perceval

Stefan Perceval

Stefan Perceval

Mark Lynch

Mark Lynch

Mark Lynch

Jock Brandis

Jock Brandis

Jock Brandis

  • 1946-01-01

Stanley Waxman

Stanley Waxman

Stanley Waxman

  • 1914-01-13

Yindra Zayas

Yindra Zayas

Yindra Zayas

  • 1994-10-27

Yindra Zayas (who was named after her mom) was born in Miami,Florida on October 27, 1994 to, Yindra Zayas who is of Cuban descent. She is Afro- Cuban and is the second child out of five children. She begin her acting career in plays at the age of five and as time passed her love for acting grew. She

Eimear Morrissey

Eimear Morrissey

Eimear Morrissey

Michele Hine

Michele Hine

Michele Hine

Evgeniy Bazhenov

Evgeniy Bazhenov

Evgeniy Bazhenov

  • 1991-05-24

Moire Kiyingi

Moire Kiyingi

Moire Kiyingi

Virginia Smith

Virginia Smith

Virginia Smith

George Potts

George Potts

George Potts