Born in Churubusco, a suburb of Mexico City, and raised in Texas, he studied at California Polytechnic State University where he graduated with an engineering degree. He began his acting career at the stage in Mexico City, entering films there in 1935. During the next years he made 42 Spanish-language films, among them Maria Candelaria (1943) and La Perla (1947), becoming one of Mexico`s top film stars. His first American film was The Fugitive for RKO in 1947. Since then he costarred in more than 80 films in Hollywood, England, France, Germany and Italy. Credits include Fort Apache (1948), Three Godfathers, We Were Strangers (1949), El Bruto (1952), The Littlest Outlaw (1955), The Conqueror (1956), La Cucaracha (1958) and The Wonderful Country (1959). When Armendariz was taken ill while filming the second James Bond film From Russia With Love his scenes were rushed through so he could return to L.A. for treatment and he entered UCLA Medical Center. Learning he had terminal cancer he killed himself there with a gunshot.

영화 산업 unavailable from Pedro Armendáriz

From Russia with Love

Ali Kerim Bey

영화 1963

Francis of Assisi

The Sultan

영화 1961

Captain Sindbad

El Kerim

영화 1963

The Brute


영화 1953

Maria Candelaria

Lorenzo Rafael

영화 1944

The Big Boodle

Col. Mastegui (as Pedro Armendariz)

영화 1957

Lucrèce Borgia

César Borgia

영화 1953

We Were Strangers

Armando Ariete

영화 1949

Fortune carrée


영화 1955

Calibre 44

Don Pedro

영화 1960

La Bandida

Roberto Herrera

영화 1963

Wild Flower

José Luis Castro

영화 1943

The Abandoned

Juan Gómez

영화 1945


Ricardo Rojas

영화 1945

Border River

General Calleja (as Pedro Armendariz)

영화 1954

My Son, the Hero


영화 1962


Gen. José Juan Reyes

영화 1946

Another Dawn


영화 1943


José María

영화 1948

The Little Savage

El Tiburón

영화 1959

Men and Wolves


영화 1957


King Francis I

영화 1956

Simón Bolívar

General Briceño Méndez

영화 1942

The Torch

José Juan Reyes

영화 1950

El tejedor de milagros

Señor Cura

영화 1962

The Lovers of Toledo

Don Alvaro Blas Basto y Mosquera

영화 1953

Los salvajes

Pedro Matías

영화 1958

Basket of Mexican Tales

Carlos Cosio

영화 1956

Weddings of fire

영화 1951

Entre hermanos

Ramón Arellano

영화 1945

Allá en el bajio

Juan Hernández

영화 1942

Amapola Del Camino

영화 1937

Con Los Dorados De Villa

영화 1939

Canto a mi tierra


영화 1938

El Zorro de Jalisco

Leonardo Torres

영화 1941

El charro Negro


영화 1940

El secreto del sacerdote

영화 1941

Tierra De Pasiones

영화 1943

Konga Roja

Federico Robles

영화 1943

La Guerra de los Pasteles

영화 1944

La cárcel de Cananea


영화 1960

La China Hilaria

영화 1939

Late Afternoon

Sebastian del Llano

영화 1949

El abandonado

영화 1949

The Conqueror: Hollywood Fallout

Self (archive footage)

영화 2024

Dos mundos y un amor

Ricardo Anaya

영화 1954

El capitán Malacara

영화 1945

La malquerida


영화 1949

This Was Pancho Villa: First chapter

Pancho Villa

영화 1957

This Was Pancho Villa: Third chapter

Pancho Villa

영화 1958

This Was Pancho Villa: Second chapter

Pancho Villa

영화 1958

El indio

영화 1938

Rosauro Castro

Rosauro Castro

영화 1950

Ella y Yo

Pedro Muñóz

영화 1951

Albur de amor

영화 1947

El charro y la dama

영화 1949

Hell Road

Pedro Uribe

영화 1951

Meat in Prison

Pablo González

영화 1952

Tierra baja


영화 1951

By the False Door

Bernardo Celis

영화 1950

Violent Summer

Francisco Peña

영화 1960

El impostor

영화 1960

Mi candidato

영화 1937

Our Daily Hunger

Macario Férnandez

영화 1960

La casa colorada

영화 1947

The Skulls of Terror Return

영화 1944

Pancho Villa vuelve

영화 1950

Por querer a una mujer

영화 1951

Los tres alegres compadres

영화 1952

I'm flying low

영화 1959

La mujer que no tuvo infancia

영화 1957

The Vivanco Ladies

Gen. Inocencio Torrentera

영화 1959

El zarco

영화 1959

Café Colón

영화 1959

Dos hijos desobedientes


영화 1960


Mario Constanza

영화 1957

La loca de la casa

José María Cruz

영화 1950

Del rancho a la capital

영화 1942

Jalisco nunca pierde

영화 1937

Mala yerba

Chuy Rodríguez

영화 1940

Los millones de Chaflán


영화 1938

Los valientes no mueren

영화 1962

Juan Charrasqueado

영화 1948



영화 1954

Soy puro mexicano

영화 1942

The Pearl


영화 1947

Pobre diablo

Raúl Solares

영화 1940

Ni sangre ni arena


영화 1941

Yo pecador

영화 1959

En la Hacienda de la Flor

영화 1948

The Littlest Outlaw

Gen. Torres

영화 1955

La Cucaracha

Coronel Valentín Razo

영화 1959

My Son, the Hero


영화 1961

Rebellion of the Hanged

Cándido Castro

영화 1954

El indulto

Lucas Sánchez Parrondo

영화 1960

Los olvidados de Dios

Zenón Rojas

영화 1940

El jefe máximo

영화 1940

La Adelita

영화 1937

Los desarraigados

영화 1960

El corsario negro

영화 1944

Una luz en mi camino

영화 1939

Las cuatro milpas

영화 1937

The Skulls of Terror

영화 1944

Rayando el sol

영화 1946

Reto a la vida

영화 1954

Native Drums

영화 1955

Passion Island

El Toro

영화 1942

Night Falls

Marcos Arizmendi

영화 1952

Thirst for Love

Pedro Ortiz

영화 1959

TV 시리즈 unavailable from Pedro Armendáriz

Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse

Tv 1958